Piedmont Dent Repair

3 Dimensional Performance

Auto Body Repair


A paintless dent repair technician who has been practicing dent removal for over 20 years in the Charlotte, NC area is dedicated to perfecting the craft and the customer experience.

Over the last 20 years he created a network of automotive dealers and repair shops with the occasional retail consumer requesting them to repair a vehicle.


Our client came to us with a well-established business. With over 50 Five Star Google Reviews they had developed quite the reputation and brand.

Their desire was to find a way to offset their dealer driven workloads with an increase in retail work. Our directive there-by was to create a targeted digital presence in order to facilitate the shift and provide for them greater control over scheduling and pricing.

While they were appropriately engaged in advertising, producing video and blog content, as well as posting and participating on social media platforms, they requested our assistance and expertise in pulling together an efficiently optimized and comprehensive marketing and media strategy.

Their Search Engine Optimization strategy was limited to the production of content and fell short of maximizing other available aspects of a complete SEO campaign strategy: backlinks, citations, content tagging, Google My Business optimization, site speed and performance maximization, and more.

Their Google Ads Campaigns were optimized for clicks instead of conversions and conversion tracking improperly configured. Nearly $9,000 was spent over the course of 2 years without measurable ROI.

Over the course of a two-year period, they had invested a significant amount of time and money with no established way of tracking metrics so as to provide a direct correlation of how well the business was performing in relation to the investment.

The goal was simple, produce leads fast and convey transparency through the tracking of leads produced and reporting of relevant conversion data.


Google Ads

Since retail leads were most important to them, we overhauled their existing Google Ads campaign so as to develop a construct that would target the desired search audience as well as deliver clarity to the dollars being invested. First and foremost, we realized that they were using an automated bidding strategy geared towards conversions, but with a conversion tracking framework that had been improperly established. Each website visit was being counted as a conversion and therefore the campaign was yielding the illusion of a near 100% conversion rate; and so, their bidding strategy was working at only a partial capacity.

In order to correct this, we created a landing page limited to only two actions which could take place, a phone call and form fill out. This funneling of lead traffic ensured for us that conversion tracking was properly recording each and every form fill out and phone call as a profit-potential producing engagement which we could then track and report on. This would also become helpful in providing metrics, just like we did with another dog boarding company by which we can tweak the campaign and maximize conversion performance.

Next we tackled the campaign itself and eliminated keywords that were not producing or under producing and focused strictly on higher performing keywords in various match types. In addition to our targeted keywords we added over 100 negative keywords to the campaign in order to eliminate the majority of irrelevant traffic.

After the initial changes to the campaign and learning the account we were able to maximize their limited budget of $600 per month by continually making adjustments to the campaign keywords, landing page, and specific location bid adjustments.

Website SEO and Google My Business Optimization

A comprehensive list of things was addressed prior to appreciating results from organic traffic.

Upon takeover of the account and their website a number of actions were performed in order to convalesce Google’s indexing algorithms as well as enhance the User Experience while browsing.

– Significantly reduced website and server load requirements by
– Building an independently hosted form and lead delivery mechanism
– Reducing unwanted traffic by installing and configuring multiple layers of security – Set Up Browser Site Caching
– Disavowing spammy backlinks

– Reduced site load speeds from 14 seconds down to only to 4.4 seconds
– Created Social Media Profiles
– Created FAQ and Local Business Schema to Optimize for Position 0
– Added Geo-Tagged Photos and Videos to their Google My Business Listing – Added High Quality Backlinks, Both No Follow and Do Follow

– Added Content
– Added Service Area Pages
– Added over 300 citations
– Optimized each page of the site for highly targeted and searched keywords – Optimized YouTube Channel
– Optimized Media Library
– Optimized Title, Meta Descriptions, H1-H4 Tags on Every Page


Piedmont Dent Repair has seen a tripling in viable lead traffic since our implementations of both their SEO and PPC digital marketing strategies.

Site load speeds have been decreased by nearly 10 seconds. Site traffic has increased by 65%.

They receive over 130 calls per month (~4 retail calls per day), with and additional 10 to 20 monthly form fills.

Cost Per Conversion has decreased from nearly $50 per conversion to an average of only $15 each.

The entirety of these improvements and gains have been made possible with no additional investment from the client. Each month we work diligently to fine tune both the SEO and PPC campaigns, always making them better.

about the client

Piedmont Dent Repair providing paintless dent repair, servicing Charlotte, NC and surrounding areas for over 20 years.


Auto Body Repair

Services Rendered

√ Paintless Dent Repair
√ Hail Dent Removal
√ Mobile Auto Repair